How To Get Good At Gaming FAST – By A Top 1% Player

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I see this question being asked a lot. How to actually get good at gaming and how to do it fast. And I hear people saying, “practice makes perfect” and you should play the game. And I am like, duh. This is so obvious and only partially true. As Frank Sonnenberg said, “Practice doesn’t make perfect if you’re doing it wrong.” It is as equally important to practice correctly.

How To Get Good At Gaming

After playing so many games and genres and reaching the top in most of them, I’ve found the formula for getting better at games. There are three main pillars of gaming you have to master. Once you understand how to learn and adapt each one to your game quickly, you will inevitably get better in any game.

  • Aim – This is only FPS games, obviously. The ability to consistently hit most of your shots is huge when we are talking about FPS games.
  • Game sense – This is important in every game. Having every bit of information you might need at your fingertips: map knowledge, rotations, awareness of resources, and many more. Being able to control your game and predict what the next move is is key.
  • Mechanics – The last pillar. Mastering the proper mechanics for your specific game. Crosshair placement, movement, and everything that is engine correlated must be perfected.

There is one more thing that I have to mention before I dive right into each one of these. That is the environment. You have to make sure you have the right environment for gaming. You do this by investing in good, high-quality peripherals, by being able to zone in and not get disturbed often. This is generally outlooked but this is very important. Being able to focus on the game and actually get in the flow state is critical. But I will get to that in a second.

How To Get Good Aim

Young gamer playing at strategy online game - Male guy having fun gaming and streaming online - New technology game trends and

Good aim takes good consistent focused practice. While you will eventually get better aim by just playing regular matches, it is not the ideal environment for improving your aim. That’s why I recommend utilizing specific game modes with many engagements in very little time like deathmatch or custom matches and utilizing aim trainers.

In-Game Training

many FPS games have in-game modes that are meant for aim improvement. Most of the time it is free for all modes or deathmatch. Some games have a good custom match editor which you can host a game with many bots for fast aim improvement.

I recommend utilizing such modes and playing them as a warm-up or even 30+ minutes of practice after your gaming session to hone your skills even more. It doesn’t take too long to see improvement and your time investment shouldn’t be too high. 

But consistency is very important. Make sure you consistently practice and use these modes and actually improve your aim and build that muscle memory that so many people wish for.

Aim Trainers

I love aim trainers. They provide the tools for fully dedicated and focused practice. You get feedback, you work on your weaknesses, and improve very fast as a result. I just love them.

Why shouldn’t you just play the game? In a nutshell, many games do not have the proper game modes for aim improvement which as a result, causes many people to go and search for an external aim trainer to improve their aim. Furthermore, aim trainers provide the necessary environment for improvement so you will see results very fast.

You choose one of the popular aim trainers, Kovaaks Vs Aimlab, you choose an aim routine and stay consistent with it. Even 20-30 minutes a day can bring huge results in just weeks. You have to try it.

I have a full guide dedicated to aim training so make sure to check out: The Complete Aim Training Guide: The Godlike Aim Journey

In a nutshell, utilize game modes with many engagements in very little time such as deathmatch, FFA, or custom matches to improve your aim. Plus, make sure to utilize aim trainers to make the best out of your aiming routine. 30 minutes a day is enough to see a huge change in weeks.

How To Get Good Game Sense

Now, this is the most complicated part. A good game sense is harder to achieve because there is no clear routine for game sense. It’s not like, just spam aim trainers and that’s it. It’s more complicated than that.

But, I think I have found the formula for achieving god aim sense very quickly. You see, I’ve managed to be 1% player in non-FPS games. You can’t say my aim carried me there. And I have one thing that I have done in common in every game I have ever played. I constantly watched pro players play the game.

Watching Pro Players Teaches Game Sense

I was doing it for fun. I was doing it because it was cool to see pro players play and dominate. I have never considered the benefits of watching pro players to my gameplay. But it was huge.

Watching pro players and actively thinking about their decisions teaches you how to play. Then, even unconsciously, you learn from their behavior and patterns and start to do them yourself. I’ve never thought that what I was doing was actually helping me. So I never focused on actually learning from these videos.

But now, I know the power of actually watching pro players. So I come with the intention to improve. Watching pro players teaches you game sense. Try to understand what is going on, why there are playing slow, why they are pushing, etc.

Another key is playing with the mindset to improve. So many people play just to play and have fun. While this is not bad, it isn’t the fastest way to improve. You have to question your plays and think about your deaths. Analyze your gameplay.

For example, every time I die, I ask myself what I did wrong, what I could have done better, etc. It works.

To get a good game sense, make sure to watch pro players and streamers play the game and analyze their gameplay. Learn their patterns and try to imitate them in-game. Learn from the best and become the best.

How To Master Mechanics

Photo by Sora Khan on Unsplash

Mechanics is a bit different. Every game has different mechanics so it is harder to pinpoint how to exactly improve your mechanics in your specific game.

FPS games have mainly movement as their primary mechanic you should master. Of course, movement consists of drop-shotting, peeking angles, jumping, sliding, etc. MOBA games has last-hitting, hero \ champion specific mechanics, etc. As you can see, each game is vastly different, but I would say there is a formula for mechanics as well.

1. Identify The Mechanics

First of all, by playing the game and watching pro players play it, you should be able to identify the game’s core mechanics. For example, I play Warzone, and there is no denial that movement is critical while playing Warzone. By identifying the mechanics, you will put more emphasis and focus on them, which as a result, cause faster and rapid improvement.

2. Watch Pro Players Or Youtube Guides

For easier mechanics, you can learn and apply them in the game just by watching pro players or streamers play the game. For example, let’s say I am playing Dota 2 and want to master the hero Storm Spirit. So I watch pro players play him, try to imitate them, and apply their patterns in-game. 

For complicated mechanics like Warzone movement, watching a Warzone movement guide on youtube will be very beneficial. In fact, I watched this guide when I was trying to improve my mechanics, and it did wonders.

3. Practice

Mechanics are something that you have to practice constantly in order to master them. But soon, it will be second nature. That’s why I love seeing people get pissed when someone in Warzone is just bunny hopping and slide canceling to their face. It is funny because people say he is sweaty. But it is already second nature.

That’s the power of mastering mechanics. So make sure you identify them and watch guides and pro players to master them.

You can master your game’s mechanics by watching pro players and streamers do them and practicing them in-game. For the more complicated ones, make sure to watch Youtube guides on the subject.

How To Setup The Right Environment For Gaming

Pro streamer check sound on mixer

I often see people play with the intention to improve. They are doing everything right. But, their environment is stopping them from achieving greatness. What do I mean by environment?

When I was little, I remember my PC was in the living room. I remember playing video games back then and often getting interrupted by my family. That’s not the ideal environment.

First, the ideal environment is quiet, where you won’t get interrupted often. An environment in which you can focus, get in the zone, and enter the flow state. Focus is very important while gaming. How To Improve Focus While Gaming.

Make sure you have high-quality peripherals so you can perform consistently at your highest levels. Many people overlook their setup, but it is crucial. Not only can a good setup benefit your gameplay, but it can also set up the right mindset for you.

For example, the moment I sit on my gaming chair, I touch my mouse (The Classic Logitech G Pro) and already feel like I am going to devour some noobs. I see my 240hz monitor (The legendary Benq Zowie XL2546K), and I am just ready to strike. It is the mindset and the proper environment that helps me focus. 

Make sure you have a big pad so you can use low sensitivity for your mouse. Playing on these tiny 20×20 pads, you got from work will not cut it. Make sure to invest in a good one where you can actually use your arm while playing.

The ideal gaming environment is quiet, where you won’t get interrupted often, allowing you to focus and get in the zone. It consists of good, high-quality peripherals and a lot of space for your mouse so you can perform at your highest levels.


The last step. Practice. Well, you can’t avoid the practice. Eventually, it all comes down to your dedication and motivation to be a better gamer. There are no pro players without practice. Every pro player puts thousands of hours into practice, into gaming. They play for years and years. That’s the reason they are pro players.

With the proper practice, you will get results. But you can’t skip this step. Practice is inevitable. So make sure you put in the work. Put in the hours.

Final Words

to summarize, to get good at gaming you have to:

  • Get good aim by practicing the right game modes
  • Get good game sense by watching pro players
  • Master the mechanics by watching Youtube guides
  • Set up the right environment for gaming
  • Practice, a lot of practice

I hope it was informative and you are on your way to devour some plebs. Thanks for reading, and I will see you on the other side!

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About Me

My name is Yaron Shapira, and I’ve been ranked in the top 1% of nearly every competitive game I’ve played. Every competitive game you can think of, I’ve played it and left a pile of sweat and hundreds of kids crying every time. I want to help you do the same.

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