Aimlab 101: Zero To Hero

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You want that top tier aim. I get it. We all want. I am a huge advocate of aim trainers because I got to experience the power of them first hand. Aim trainer is a great tool to keep your aim sharp and improve it. You should not focus solely on aim training but it is a must. You can read my article: Should You Use Aimlab?

Part 1 - Inside Aimlab


If you are constantly reading my posts (thank you!), you know I am a huge advocate of getting the right sens. But it is not rocket science. If your sens is not calibrated for your needs. You are going to suck. That’s it. Simple. Just get it done ASAP. You can check out my post about it here: BEST Sensitivity For FPS Games

Find A Playlist For Your Needs

There are so many playlists you might feel overwhelmed. Just go into the most popular playlists section, and pick a playlist you like. You should be set. There are many FPS games and some games focus more on tracking while others on precision. In the end, it shouldn’t be that matter because you are going to work on all aspects of your aim, but you get the idea.

Warzone Only

These are my two favorite playlists for Warzone:

  1.  COD Warzone Warm Up – A pretty solid playlist. Pretty general and standard. Nothing unique, but it gets the job done. Recommend.
  2.  rA x Strahfe Warzone Routine – More warzone focused. Very unique with special scenarios made by rA and Strahfe.
You should try them both. I usually just cycle between them so I wouldn’t get bored. Both are great options.

Don't Zone Out

You are practicing. Make sure you stay focused and you don’t sit on auto-pilot. You have to be in the zone 100% of the time. I rarely hear people talk about this and this is one of the most important aspects of aim training. You have to be actively aiming or else you are just wasting your time.

Focus On Accuracy

Go slow, hit your shots. Try to get 100% precision as much as you can. If you try to mimic your favorite streamer, you might be building some bad habits. It doesn’t matter how fast you can hit your targets if you miss them all, right?

Find Your Weaknesses

Self-explanatory, but if you suck at tracking, add some tracking to your playlist. Find your weak points and work on that. Don’t be tempted to work on your strong points. Seeing you are in the top 5% in precision is a great feeling, but that’s not the goal. Remember the goal. To be a top-tier aimer. For that, you have to rule out all aspects of aiming.

Gridshot Is Overrated

THAT’S IT, I SAID IT. It’s like eating a hamburger at 3am. It’s fun, but it is not beneficial.  Keep the focus on Microflex, Spidershot, Sixshot, StrafeTrack, Microshot.

Part 2 - Outside Aimlab


Your muscles grow when you rest. The same applies here. Make sure to get the necessary rest and of course I am going to throw in the eat healthy, stay hydrated and sleep well. So simple, yet so effective. Take breaks when you need to. If you get tired, or you are just not feeling well. Take a break, skip a day. You are more important than your aim.


Stay Consistent

Consistency is key. Make sure to practice a little bit everyday. It is way better than practicing a lot at the weekend. You can practice 1 hour every day, or 15 minutes everyday. Just go and practice. That’s what’s important. Staying consistent.


Make sure you have a good setup and you are comfortable. Make sure you are not playing on a dirt cheap mouse that has a ball on the bottom. If you want my recommendation, I would get Logitech G Pro. Perfect weight, suitable for all hand types and just a great all around mouse from Logitech. And, used by many, many pros in the gaming scene.
More tips: Monitor head height, large mousepad, comfortable chair, put your arms on the desk if you have the space. 144hz+ monitor. If you want my recommendation for the best monitor you can buy right now:  BenQ ZOWIE XL2546K. The most used gaming monitor by the pros.

In-Game Action Beats Aimlab

You have to realize that to get better at Valorant, for example, you should play Valorant. Aimlab is just a tool, but a very important and useful one. You should use Aimlab and Valorant together to get the best results. You are like a soccer player – you play games, and you are doing drills. Same story here.

Enjoy The Proccess

Have fun, show off your high scores. That’s what important. We are doing this so we could have fun. I, for example, like to have fun wrecking some kids on Fortnite. That’s why I put in the work. It is priceless. You should be too. Have fun boys and keep on slapping!

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About Me

My name is Yaron Shapira, and I’ve been ranked in the top 1% of nearly every competitive game I’ve played. Every competitive game you can think of, I’ve played it and left a pile of sweat and hundreds of kids crying every time. I want to help you do the same.

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