When Should I Train My Aim?

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I actually love these little questions, like “when should I train my aim” or “how often should I train my aim” and even “how long should you train your aim every day?” because it actually means we are trying to min-max our training to make it the most effective we can. I just love researching these “mini” topics. So, to our question, when should you train your aim?

When Should I Train My Aim?

In terms of effectiveness, the best time to practice your aim is right before you sleep. There are studies that show that the last 50 minutes of your day is when your brain can absorb the most information. But, in terms of consistency it is easy to skip sessions at night so it may be better to aim train right before playing. 

As you can see, training right before bed will probably be a little more effective as your brain can absorb more information during that time period. The study also claims that the first 50 minutes have the same benefits as the last 50 minutes of the day. That means that you can aim train twice, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Although I feel like morning training sessions are worse than night sessions as in the morning, your aiming skills are not as sharp. But, your results may vary.

The reason I say that for consistency’s sake it is better to aim train right before playing is because of laziness. Even Aimer7 said that aim training is kind of exhausting, and it is easy to skip sessions right before bed. So it might be better to aim train right before playing the game to stay consistent.

I, myself aim train right before playing the game because for 2 reasons:

  1. Warm-up – It is a good warm-up, why not catch 2 birds with one stone? Plus, playing after training hits different. I feel like my aim is sharp and consistent throughout the whole gaming session (Your results may vary).
  2. Consistency – It is just easier to aim train right before playing the game. I find myself skipping sessions regularly when the task is left to be done at night.

Does It Matter When I Train My Aim?

In reality, it doesn’t really matter when you train your aim. The only important thing is staying consistent. If you consistently putting effort and get the job done, you will get results. It doesn’t matter whether you aim trained at night. Imagine asking a pro player why he is such a good aimer, and he will say it is because he trained at night. It is a joke, right? Hard work is the only thing that matters.

Consistency Is Key

So the best time to train your aim is when you will stay consistent with it. Make sure it easily fits your schedule so it won’t be a burden on you. Do not change your whole schedule, just for aim training as you will probably won’t be able to stay consistent with it.

Final Words

This is a rather short article because the answer is pretty straightforward. Hope you all have a great day and I will see you in-game. Keep slapping!

Photo by ELLA DON on Unsplash

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My name is Yaron Shapira, and I’ve been ranked in the top 1% of nearly every competitive game I’ve played. Every competitive game you can think of, I’ve played it and left a pile of sweat and hundreds of kids crying every time. I want to help you do the same.

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